Thursday, September 25, 2008


A little background to the title. I guess this should have been my first entry. Ask and you shall receive is basically my outlook on life. I love to help people out. I often find myself getting frustrated when i can't do enough. Yesterday was another long day of work and i had to miss stuco. With work I have been missing out on a lot lately. Its getting a little out of hand and I'm just ready to explode. I feel like there is so much to do and never enough time to do it. I hate when a friend is waiting on my help. The pressure builds steadily and today I just really wanted to get in a fight. I fought a lot growing up. It was a part of life and second nature to most of the people I knew. All the way through high school I didn't have a good friend that i didn't physically fight. It made the friendship stronger somehow. So now I'm here trying to be an example for my kids and even people around me and my temper flares. I'm not the same person I was growing up. I guess talking to my wife and friends and even typing the stress leaves a little bit at a time. Of course I know better than to just get in a fight, but it felt like my blood was boiling today. I see my temper in my kids personalities sometimes and really have to evaluate my actions. I guess this is just another way to vent. Whatever works right. If you are a friend still waiting on a favor, I'll be there soon. Don't hesitate to keep calling me because I'm also forgetful. Whatever it is its, "not a problem" This is my attitude and you can count on me for anything.