Sunday, October 19, 2008


Its that time. Get out and vote and lets save this country. Right? Both candidates have some great ideas on how to save this country. Some I agree with and some I don't. Here are a couple instances:

+Voucher System+ This is a great idea. Now it won't matter what school district you live in, you can send your child to any school you want. There are some really really good schools in Illinois. Before I felt like they weren't an option because they were too expensive or were not in my school district.

+Strengthening our School System+ This is a great idea. Now all of our under funded schools can have the technology and resources of the "good schools". Having grown up in the Chicago Public School System I know that this can have a tremendous effect on the education that our kids need.

Health Care:
+Tax Credit+ $5000.00 to everybody for health insurance. Thats awesome. There are some people who don't even have jobs. This will be great.

+Universal Health Care+ This is also a great plan. Nobody will have to worry about health care again. It will be more affordable for everybody. And free if need be.

No matter who is elected this nation will truly be a better place. Or will it?
I do not claim these next statements as my personal original thoughts. I have been in the dark about politics for a while now. And have recently asked a lot of people a lot of questions.

Here we go:
-vouchers- Some of us send our kids to better schools and this is starting to work. But the "problem schools" just lost the numbers they need for funding. They shut down and finally their parents send them to better schools. Now our better schools have doubled or tripled in size. I wonder if the quality of that jam packed school will start to deteriorate?

-strengthening our school systems- This is fantastic. Now the underfunded schools get all the books, desks, and technology that they need to produce the brighter kids of the future. Except the underfunded schools sometimes don't have high attendance rates either. Crap! How will our kids get smarter if they're not in class?

-tax credit-$5000 Now that is a lot of money. I have a family of five and i was able to find a quote for $4887 and some change. But that was 80% coverage and I believe my last two kids delivery and hospital stay came to about $30,000. So that would only be another $6,000 out of pocket thats not bad. And with a huge scare and a trip to the Intensive Care Unit at The University of Chicago Children's Hospital, the 4 day total came up to $206,000; imagine paying another $41,200 out of pocket. Surely that wouldn't have to be paid at once, its only like $115 a month for 30 YEARS. And there's always medicaid. For those who qualify, because if you have a family of 5 and make $1000 a month unfortunately you don't. Thats more than enough money for food, shelter, utilities with plenty to spare for health insurance. Maybe 5k isn't enough for ins. after all?

-universal health care- Now this has proven to work in other countries. Why don't people believe it can work here. How can we be upset with getting everybody the health care they need. I guess it might cost a little more for the country, but that won't matter to the little guy because taxes are gonna be cut anyway right?

Now I know that politicians have are well known for keeping promises. And doing right by our country. Believing all the save the world crap is our nations first mistake.
Second is thinking we have two choices.
Republicans want to cut social programs (but don't care who falls through the cracks)
Democrats want to increase social programs (but don't care who abuses the system)
Republicans want schools to compete for students and funding.
Democrats want to upgrade the schools to bring the students in with a good attitude.
(The problem with both of these answers are they assume all parents care about education!)

To fix this country we need to start with morals. Stop blaming him/her and look at each person for being responsible. Its all over tv parents can't control their kids call Nanny 911. No step up and do what parents have done for the past bagillion years. Start spending time with your kids. Know what their problems are and work on them. One answer was given to my wife for easier times. "Don't take his last name. Then file separated and you can get welfare, medicaid, housing, and the rest of your school paid for so you don't have any student loans."

We don't need to do away with these social programs. So the gov't can be the gov't . We need to regulate them a little so their not being obliterated by free loaders. Then we can use the programs how they were intended. To help people in need. Your heart bleeds for the hungry across the globe, what about the hungry here? Maybe they should just "Get a job." Oh wait a minute they work their ass off but its just not enough to get by.

In closing you want to cry about taxes? I'm poor don't tax me. I'm successful don't tax me. Set the tax at a flat rate all across the board. That way we all lose. The poor guy pays the same percent(WAAA) And the socialite heiress who didn't do a damn thing to make the money she has with the same percent has to pay more(WAAAA)

So if this seems a little one sided or undecided just remember your vote doesn't count anyway because the electoral college picks our president!