Saturday, August 16, 2008

taken for granted

i think if you know me you know that i aim to please
no favor is too big
i try to make everyone's life a little easier

i pride myself in being the go to guy
one you can count on
even the one that you thought didn't notice you, but did and is here to make things better

lately it's been pointed out and noticed that i'm not that deliberate with my family
i thought about it and have prayed on it
i have grown up quick and when things went wrong i was the strong one
not really to emotional and the one to turn to for answers

not quite sure when i stopped extending my hand to family
i guess it seems like my hand is always out to them and they won't take it
as opposed to forcing my hand to those i want to help

still growing means learning from mistakes
and this is just a little reminder of what i need to work on
i think i'm a pretty good example of how to treat others
thats not enough though
i have to start being CARING and LOVING towards my family

i grew up with my dad, one of the strongest people i knew, ending phone conversations with "who loves ya"
sure i knew he loved me
but its humbling to let everyone around you know just how much you care for them
and it means so much more to be direct and intentional with your emotions

time to stop taking people for granted
and letting them know just how much they mean to me

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